Category: On the Record On the RecordTrials: Ordeal and combatThursday 8 April 2021In the first instalment of a three-part series on our trial records, we’re examining...On the RecordOn the Record: Trials (trailer)Tuesday 6 April 2021In our latest three-part podcast series, we are exploring stories from our collection which...On the RecordPublic Health Crises – Exploring Britain’s Medical HistoryThursday 18 February 2021Over the last 600 years, Britain has faced its fair share of public health...On the RecordOn the Record: Public Health Crises – Exploring Britain’s Medical History (trailer)Monday 15 February 2021Over the centuries, Britain has faced its fair share of public health crises and...On the RecordVictorian cats, medieval hospitals & frontline nursesThursday 26 November 2020Illustrator Louis Wain changed the way we think about cats and dedicated his life...On the RecordSmugglers, spies & dragon slayersThursday 12 November 2020A British spy named Pearl jumps from a plane under cover of night. A...On the RecordCivil rights & Public healthThursday 29 October 2020In 1921, W E B Du Bois (the African American thinker and NAACP co-founder)...On the RecordOn the Record at The National Archives: Heroic deeds (trailer)Thursday 22 October 2020In our latest three-part podcast series we’ll be exploring stories in our collection with...On the RecordUntold Battle of BritainTuesday 15 September 2020‘Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many...On the RecordOn the Record: Untold Battle of Britain (trailer)Tuesday 8 September 2020To mark the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, we have joined forces...On the RecordRefugee storiesMonday 15 June 2020Refugee Week (15-21 June) is an annual event that celebrates the contributions of refugees...On the RecordOn the Record: Refugee stories (trailer)Thursday 11 June 2020To mark Refugee Week (15-21 June) we are sharing just a few of the... « 1 … 3 4 5 6 »