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Duration 00:60

Teenagers Learn to Swim

Released in 1972 this cartoon aimed at teenagers warns them to learn how to swim, or risk social embarrassment and failure to attract the opposite sex.

The female character’s illusion of her boyfriend ‘Dave’ being able ‘to do anything’ is shattered after she wishes they were at the seaside, where she discovers Dave can’t swim.  He in turn wishes he didn’t ‘keep losing me birds’ after his girlfriend disappears with ‘Mike’ who ‘swims like a fish’.

Although the film is lighthearted in tone it was intended in part to help prevent accidents.  Since the 1970s the rate of deaths by drowning has fallen, but it is still the third most common cause of accidental death among the under 16s. (Source: RoSPA, August 2004)


TEENAGE GIRL:  This is me, thinking as usual about Dave. Dave is super, Dave can do anything, ohh, he’s great, he really is. When – POW – up pops my fairy godmother with her ’I’ll give you three wishes’ routine. Wish number one is easy.

Next I wish we were both at the seaside. Come on Dave, let’s swim, I say. ’It’s just not my scene, man,’ says Dave. What he really meant was he couldn’t swim. I’ve still got one wish left, remember.

Meet Mike.

MIKE:  Hello.

TEENAGE GIRL:  He swims like a fish.

DAVE:  “I wish… I wish I didn’t keep losing me birds.”

FAIRY GODMOTHER:  “Well, learn to swim young man, learn to swim.”

NARRATOR:  “If you can’t swim, ask about lessons at your local swimming baths. Do learn to swim – it could save your life.”