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Duration 00:30

Peach And Hammer

“You can’t argue with a car…” This film, like so many before and since, was commissioned to highlight the dangers of crossing a road.

Far more hard-hitting and less slapstick than Richard Massingham’s 1948 ‘Pedestrian Crossing’ trailer, the ‘Peach and Hammer’ still echoes the key message to ‘stop, look and listen’.

Released in 1976, the same year as the ‘Green Cross Code Man’ (the superhero character created to personify road safety messages for children) this film appears to target adults.


It can happen anywhere, to anyone.

An ordinary street.

A moment’s thoughtlessness.

If there isn’t a crossing nearby, be extra careful.

Use your eyes and ears before you cross the road.

And all the way across.

You can’t argue with a car.

Eyes and ears.

It’s your lookout.