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Duration 30sec

Drug Misuse – Dummy

Heroin abuse became a high-profile problem in the 80s as anti-drug messages began to appear in fictional programming. The troubled character Zammo, who appeared in the popular BBC series Grange Hill, became perhaps the most famous heroin user for the generation of young people that watched it.
Reinforcing the anti-drugs message the cast of the show went on to record ‘Just Say No’ in 1986.

With its strap line of ‘Heroin Screws You Up’ this film was one of the most memorable public information campaigns of the 80s. It uses stark imagery to deliver its anti drugs message that heroin is a highly addictive and potentially fatal drug.


When friends told Kate smoking heroin would make her feel good, they forgot to tell her something else:

how bad it would also make her feel;

how she’d start to look tired, spotty and unhealthy;

how she’d lose all her friends, her looks and her interest in everything else but heroin;

how she’d have to take heroin not to get high, but to stop feeling down;

how she’d eventually risk blood disease, liver-damage, even heart failure.

KATE: Yeah, I’m still alive though, I suppose …

Don’t be a dummy. Heroin really does screw you up.