All posts Video‘The Bitter Cup of Oppression’: The Female Reformers of ManchesterThursday 7 November 2019An address from the Female Reformers of Manchester, printed in the Manchester Observer on...Video‘A Malignant Spirit’: Lord Sidmouth on reform societiesThursday 7 November 2019Lord Sidmouth on the suspension of Habeas Corpus in the lead up to the...AudioOn the trail of Klaus Fuchs, atomic spyTuesday 8 October 2019Arguably the most important ‘atomic’ spy of the 20th century, Klaus Fuchs was a...AudioThe legacy of secrecy: Experiences from the Stasi Records ArchiveTuesday 1 October 2019The East German Stasi had the reputation of being one of the most effective and...AudioWritten treasure: Correspondence from captured ships, 1652-1815Friday 27 September 2019As pirates buried their captured gold and jewels, their legal cousins – privateers and...AudioSecurity Service file release September 2019Tuesday 24 September 2019Professor Christopher Andrew, formerly official historian of MI5 and author of ‘The Defence of...AudioLawrence, of Arabia and beyondMonday 9 September 2019T E Lawrence’s role in the First World War is best remembered as that...AudioCulture Clash? Pop in a royal parkFriday 23 August 2019Fifty years ago, the Rolling Stones gave a concert in Hyde Park that turned into...AudioSummer Lecture Series 2019: Information at War – the Ministry of Information, 1936-1946Wednesday 7 August 2019The Ministry of Information was established by a government which recognised that the understanding...AudioThe Cold War and UFOsThursday 23 May 2019There is more to the Ministry of Defence UFO files than reports on strange...AudioThe scandalous case of John VassallThursday 23 May 2019In 1962, while working as a clerk in the British Embassy in Moscow, homosexual...On the RecordSpies: Double agents and double standardsThursday 16 May 2019The Cambridge Five are perhaps the most infamous spy ring of the 20th century.... « 1 … 10 11 12 13 14 … 91 »